Fedora.next Plenary Session -- Talk + WG Panel + Q&A

Matthew Miller mattdm at fedoraproject.org
Wed Mar 19 19:37:18 UTC 2014

At DevConf, I gave a talk on Fedora.next followed by a moderated panel
discussion with the FESCo liasons for the various working groups. This very
well attended despite being on Sunday morning, the last day of the
conference, *after* the big party. And it was fairly well received, even if
I do say so myself.

So, FESCo would like to do this again. I'm posting here rather than through
the proposal process because we'd like to it to be a joint session either as
a keynote or... keynote-like, in a big room with everyone there.

At DevConf, we used two 45-minute blocks, and it worked out approximately
like this:

  35 minutes of talking
  10 minutes of questions and answers
  15 minutes of 3-minute summaries from each WG
  30 minutes of panel discussion with audience questions

That could be squeezed down if need be. Notably, I can talk somewhat less
and/or a lot faster. Also, while this is different from the
"Fedora.next.next" workshop Steve Gallagher proposes, we could direct some
of the QA there. Still, if possible, I'd like to request more than 45
minutes (but less than two hours).

And, while it did work fine on the last day of DevConf, I'd like to request
this be on either the first or second days. Hopefully it'll set up a "let's
build this!" tone for the the confence (rather than being a wrap-up).

Separately, I proposed a "Meet your FESCo" talk panel discussion. That can
go whenever, although I would like to request that if at all possible it be
on a different day -- last day is perfectly fine for that.


(I can *also* submit this as one or more regular proposals in the web
interface; let me know!)

Matthew Miller    --   Fedora Project    --    <mattdm at fedoraproject.org>

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