Problems detected in the apa-new-athena-unicode-fonts rawhide package!

Nicolas Mailhot nim at
Thu Oct 29 21:39:18 UTC 2009

Dear packager,

At 20091029T192211Z, while scanning the rawhide repository located at:
I have identified the following problems in your apa-new-athena-unicode-fonts package:

SRPM                          RPM                           17  18
apa-new-athena-unicode-fonts  apa-new-athena-unicode-fonts  1   1
                              Total                         1   1

17. Fonts with partial script coverage

    ☛ Some font files included in the package are missing only a few glyphs to be
    accepted by fontconfig as covering one or several scripts. Therefore they
    could be made useful to more people with only a little effort.
    To check a font file script coverage, run fc-query with FC_DEBUG=256 and
    look for lines like: script-id¹(number) { list-of-unicode-codepoints }
    For example “mi(2) { 1e34 1e35 }” means fontconfig will accept the tested
    file for Maori if codepoints 1e34 and 1e35 are added.
    If you feel fontconfig is requiring a glyph which is not strictly necessary
    for a particular script, report the problem upstream².

18. Fonts with partial unicode block coverage

    ☛ Some font files included in the package are missing only a few glyphs to
    fully cover an Unicode block. Therefore they could be made useful to more
    people with only a little effort.
    The Unicode consortium revises its tables regularly, and therefore a font
    may need to be extended to maintain its full coverage when a new Unicode
    revision is published¹.
    To check a font file unicode coverage, run the ttfcoverage command. It only
    works for modern SFNT fonts (.otf, .ttf).

Please take the appropriate measures to fix the apa-new-athena-unicode-fonts package.

I will warn you again if I find problems next time I am ran.

Your friendly QA robot,

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Name: apa-new-athena-unicode-fonts.tar.xz
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