libpng 1.5 and moving to snapshots of FontForge?

Paul Flo Williams paul at
Wed Dec 7 10:19:45 UTC 2011

I've just submitted a patch upstream that should take care of the
remaining libpng 1.5 issues and I'm just pausing for feedback before
incorporating it into Rawhide to fix our FTBFS.

However, it strikes me that it might be possible to bring our package
closer to upstream and pretty much stay there by using git snapshots. I
suggest this because:

1. FontForge hasn't seen any user interface changes since, ooh, the 18th
century? If you watch upstream, nearly every change is a bug fix that
doesn't result in a change to the user experience, meaning we could push
to Fedora N-1 without breaking our guidelines.

2. Uncle George's releases just seem to be a roll-up of changes done at
arbitrary time intervals rather than being feature changes.

I'm not proposing a release a week, but taking a sensible view on fixes
that we might want to take wholesale rather than as patches.

Paul Flo Williams

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