TeXGyre fonts licensing concern

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Fri Aug 8 07:29:27 UTC 2008

On Wed, 2008-07-30 at 12:59 +0300, Vasile Gaburici wrote:
> It looks to me like the GUST fokes did their best, but they're not a
> big company, so they ignored some legal aspects. Rather than telling
> them they're about to get blacklisted, perhaps a more constructive
> approach is in order.

When in doubt, ask questions first and relicense later. The correct
solution always was just to keep the original license and only change it
if every entity that contributed to the work approved.

So what if the GUST people do not like the original licence — many fonts
have a sucky license (Bistream Vera, Liberation…), and people still
abide with the original licensing.

(And for the record, I doubt anyone but the GUST people find their
license pretty. Legalese referensing other legalese, come on, it's not a
perl obfuscation contest)

Nicolas Mailhot
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