Asana-Math: close but no cigar

Vasile Gaburici vgaburici at
Wed Aug 13 03:24:09 UTC 2008

The STIX fonts do **NOT** currently have the math OpenType script.
What this means is that they have nice collection of glyphs, but no
special layout features, so they're pretty useless for actually
typesetting something with them. The math script, aka MATH table, is a
MS extension to OpenType. MS has not yet officially submitted any
documentation for these math layout extensions -- and they are quite
extensive -- not even in the draft 1.5/1.6 OpenType spec. Despite
this, it is the de-facto OpenType math standard, and support for it
has appeared in FOSS projects.

These extensions are implemented only in the Cambria Math font (MS),
and now in Asana Math (FOSS). Fonts using these extensions are
currenly usable only in MS Office 2007 (and some other minor non-FOSS
products), but out of the FOSS world only XeTeX supports them right
now. LuaTeX is scheduled to add support by the end of this year,
together with the release of the GUST Math font.

On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 5:52 AM, Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
<ivazqueznet at> wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 05:41 +0300, Vasile Gaburici wrote:
>> It's nice to see that the first (& only?) FOSS OpenType math font,
> STIXFonts? Well, not quite FOSS yet, but soon hopefully...
> --
> Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet at>

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