Miso fonts - need some font expert help

Paul Flo Williams paul at frixxon.co.uk
Wed Feb 3 14:05:40 UTC 2010

Máirín wrote:

> - Offer an Italic and Bold Italic for Miso and an Italic for Miso Light.
> Probably for such a type, these will be simply slanted.

Yes, generally referred to as an oblique version.

> - Also, the TTF-files are the originals and they were converted to OTF
> by someone. Some people have reported trouble with the spacing of "c"
> "John" said: (http://www.omkrets.se/miso-spotted/#comment-117)
> using true type resolve problem also in xpress - So,  that would have to
> be fixed as well, perhaps just a new conversion, or create OTF files
> directly from the font software. I used TypeTool and it didn't have that
> option.

The conversion doesn't appear to have been done very well at all, and I'd
discard it in favour of the original TTF.

As the comments suggest (and FontForge shows), the "c" has conflicting
widths in two of the font's tables.

If you look at some sample text in Fontmatrix, it is clear that the left
sidebearings of "A", "J", "S" and "Y" have been changed (flip between the
TTF and OTF and you'll see some wobbling!)

It doesn't even express Mårten's wish for the font to be free, as the
conversion changes it from being an installable font without restrictions,
to being "printable document, no subsetting".

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