What happens if a package includes non-free fonts already?

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Fri Jul 16 15:26:10 UTC 2010

Le 16/07/2010 11:09, Paul Flo Williams a écrit :

> I imagine that Nicolas raised this problem while doing his periodic
> fonts-incorrectly-packaged-in-non-font-package checks. The request to
> separate out the fonts from poker3d-data has been long since closed

Actually one of the main reasons for separating fonts in sub-packages
(apart from user convenience) is to force package maintainers to
investigate a little the licensing of the fonts they push in Fedora, and
identify legal problems (sadly, I think the majority of the fonts
identified this way had to be retired, either because of legal problems,
or because they were old buggy versions of fonts we already shipped in
other packages).

If someone want to look at the wontfixes that resulted from the initial
mass-bugzilla filling, I'm sure there are still problems lurking (I
don't really have the time or energy to do so right now).

Another way is just to point repo-font-audit (which is in
fontpackages-tools) to a public rawhide repo, and it will generate an
up-to-date report.

Thanks a lot for your current activity fonts-side Paul, it could not
come at a better moment

Nicolas Mailhot

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