Fw: Re: handling of fonts in the langpack plugin

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Sat Feb 25 09:20:44 UTC 2012

------------------------------ Message original ------------------------------
Objet:    Fwd: handling of fonts in the langpack plugin
De:       "Behdad Esfahbod" <behdad.esfahbod at gmail.com>
Date:     Ven 24 février 2012 22:35

So, if i understand it correctly, you're asking for a way to get the
default font for a language. Right?

That sure sounds like something Fontconfig shall be able to answer,
but it's tricky. Do you need this on the server or client?  Cause
FcMatch and friends only return fonts that are installed. What you
want can be done by processing the ":lang=foo" pattern by Fc
Sybstitute calls, then taking the resulting family list and pickin the
first one that supports the lang in question.

After you answer my question re which side you need this on I can
hopefully provide more concrete advice.



PS. Boy, I miss Fedora people.

Nicolas Mailhot

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