handling of fonts in the langpack plugin

Akira TAGOH tagoh at redhat.com
Mon Feb 27 12:04:59 UTC 2012

>>>>> On Mon, 27 Feb 2012 11:28:26 +0100,
>>>>> "NM" == "Nicolas Mailhot" <nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net> wrote:

NM> This won't work at rpm level because you need to export tuples
NM> (name,langage,priority) and rpm only understands monovalued properties

No need to limit trying to find out the way for rpm only
because we are talking about the langpack plugin right?
We could have another metadata to make it easy if it's
really useful. anyway, the most important thing can be
provided by Provides: fonts-<alias>-<lang> =
<priority>. that should contains the enough information. if
we set the higher version for the higher priority package
like 1000 - the numeral prefix in the config file, rpm would
automatically address the better fonts against the version I

NM> You may try to hack around with font(:lang) = version but that requires some
NM> serious thought to map fontconfig priorities to rpm versions (and what will
NM> happen at upgrade time when a font is promoted/demoted)?

me neither. guess the real version in the package would
ensure for upgrading? dunno. or recommend to do yum
distro-sync or even update might work? ;)

NM> This is all a PITA that would be way more natural and less error-prone if
NM> someone taught rpm to work with tuple properties. Because that's what fonts
NM> metadata really requires

NM> Regards,

NM> --
NM> Nicolas Mailhot

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