Layla font collection

Mohd Isam mohammed_isam1984 at
Fri Aug 15 11:53:33 UTC 2014

Hello all
I am sorry for re-posting, but I made the following post last month and got no reply :(

> Hi all
> My name is Mohammed Isam. I designed some fonts [few traditional Arabic 
fonts] that I would 
> like to package for Fedora. I would appreciate your 
help and reviewing my package and helping 
> with the packaging process. I 
added a wiki page for the fonts, also I submitted a bugzilla review request #1079090.> Thank you in advance for your help
> Regards
I would appreciate any help with the review process, as I will be the packager of the font collection.
Please have a look at the bug and help a brother
Mohammed Isam
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