[Fedora-fr-list] Fedora DVD (France) request

thomas.canniot thomas.canniot at laposte.net
Tue Oct 3 09:39:51 UTC 2006

Please find attached to this mail the detail of the quote for
a futur order of fc6 dvds for french ambassadors.

The firm made 2 prices on the quote, for 500 and for 1000 DVDs.

Theses DVDs (with an fc artwork printed on them) will be
pressed and will be delivered with a paper jacket.

Here are the final prices with taxes include : 

500 DVDs : 986.7€ ($1,257.39)

1000 DVDs : 1243.84€ ($1,585.03)

I don't know how much FAMSCO can allow for this order, so I
let FAMSCO choose the quantity (500 or 1000 DVDs). I think 500
would be enough but that 1000 are cheaper. :p 1000 DVDs would
be a huge quantity of DVDs and I'm not sur we could give that
much DVDs away. I would vote for 500 DVDs anyway.

Moreover, they will be used for the install party planned 28th
october in Paris, and what will remain will be given during
the Linux Solutions Event in Paris, in January 2007.


Thomas Canniot

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