[Fedora-fr-list] Un peu de com

Thomas Canniot thomas.canniot at laposte.net
Mon Mar 12 18:24:18 UTC 2007

Le lundi 12 mars 2007 à 12:55 +0000, Pascal a écrit :
> Bonjour,

Hi !

> C'est tres long :)

D'abord je voudrai te remercier pour la relecture grammaticale.
Certains choix de vocabulaire, j'aimerai maintenir, étaient là pour
donner au message une tournure beaucoup plus détendue, moins formelle.
Parce que je ne souhaite pas que Fedora-fr soit une association froide,
aux communiqués laconiques, mais plutôt comme une association de bandes
de potes, certes efficaces, mais une bande de potes quand même qui
s'éclatent dans ce qu'ils font. Voilà c'est dit :)

> OK, here is a mail to respond (answer plutot ?) to several topics that are in many people minds (it seems fait tache).
Non, je confirme "to respond to" dans le sens de « réagir à » et non
répondre. Sinon, pourquoi "it seems" fait-il tache ?

> First, let me introduce again (a la place de re-introduce, je pense que le you juste apres est de trop) the Fedora-fr Community, the "Who-are-you
> question." (c'est pas who's who l'expression ?)
Je n'avais pas cherché à utiliser cette expression, cependant, je me
placé plutôt dans la position de l'interviewé par les personnes qui
n'ont pas ou peu entendu parler de nous, et qui, à juste titre,

>  Fedora-fr.org is a community websites (website au singulier ? je suis pas sur de moi) whose aims is to promote Fedora.
Oui pour "websites". J'en profite pour corriger "aim" (puisque "is").

> It is lead mostly by active Ambassadors. It is made of a forum, several
> mailing lists, an IRC channel on Freenode and a local documentation
> project. There are at the moment more than 9000 members subscribed to
> our forums. On these forums, we help people if they have problems and
> questions about the distribution (pas sur que distro soit anglais), obviously, but we also help people creating
> their own RPM to help them participating into Fedora Extras.
"distro" est très courant sur les blogs justement. 

>  We have also about 15 people contributing to the local documentation project.
> Fedora-fr is also the area where French Ambassadors are altogether.
> There are 13 active ambassadors. On Sundays, they meet then to discuss
> topics such as the local organisation, the promotion of the distribution (idem, abbreviation) and also main decisions concerning the Project in general. (j'ai repris toute la phrase)
* Autant mon "meet up" était mal construit, autant je ne comprends pas
ton "meet then". Tu voulais dire "meet themselves" (qui est plus
* ok pour le "such as"
* au début, tu modifies le sens de mon message : Je voulais dire que
nous discutons de l'organisation « locale » de la promotion de la
distribution. Par contre, tu ré-écrits que nous discutons « de
l'association, de la promotion de la distribution » et ainsi de suite.
* pour la fin, tu changes le sens et cela me gène. Je veux dire que nous
discutons les décisions prises par le Projet Fedora. Et tu dis que nous
discutons les décisions qui concernent le Projet Fedora. Cela ne veut
pas trop dire la même chose, j'ai du mal à saisir le pourquoi de la

> What are we (faute de frappe ?) doing?
Non, je me place toujours du point de vue de l'interviewé.

> We are actively promoting the distribution. How are we doing (pour etre homogene avec la phrase d'avant) this?
* ok pour la concordance des temps.

>  First, we created a strong community website.
* ok aussi.

>  People can share their thoughts about Fedora, with the forums, the IRC or the blog platform. Finally, Ambassadors and involved people also go to different events. (J'ai repris toute la phrase precedente)
* Si tu veux pour le "Finally".

>  This year, Fedora was officially represented by some ambassadors (6) at the biggest
> Linux event in France, Linux Solutions. Some French Ambassadors (3) also
> went to FOSDEM to meet European Ambassadors and worldwide involved
> people. 
> What is the Fedora-fr Organisation? (mieux ?)
Non, faut rester cool dans la vie :) Si je traduis ce que j'avais écrit
(What is this Fedora-fr Organisation thing ?) : « C'est quoi ton truc
d'association Fedora-fr ? ».

> First, I need (j'ai change le verbe) to explain (pas de to si je me trompe pas) you how we came to this idea.
* mon got était de trop, je voulais mettre "I have to".
* Sinon, il s'agit bien de "to explain to someone".

>  First, There were requests from French people to be able to give Fedora some (j'ai ajoute some) money.
* ok pour le "some".

>  They couldn't, as the Project does not accept gifts due to legally issues (j'ai ajoute quelques  mots...).
* ok pour les rajouts, mais avec "legal issues" et non un adverbe en
"-ly" qui s'est perdu dans la forêt.

>  Then, there were several misunderstandings and a lack of (petit ?? manque plutot ? donc lack) organisation (from both side it seems).
* Non, pas petit (!!) , mais « peu » !

>  Finally, we were invited to create our materials locally. As nobody here wanted to spend its own money for it, we decided that a non-profit organisation was a very good thing to do: it would allow us to create our own materials and to be recognised as a fully organised and legal entity both by the Fedora Project, RedHat and by the french laws. (j'ai retouche la phrase d'avant)
* Pour le "Finally", c'est une chose qu'ils demandent depuis longtemps,
donc leur demande date, elle n'est pas venue comme le résultat de nos
* Tu ne peux pas utiliser "both" et avoir 3 éléments derrière. "Both"
est toujours suivi par 2 éléments.
* Je ne sais pas si l'objectif est d'être reconnu par l'état Français.
Créer l'association, c'est un passage pour plus d'efficacité. Au
passage, pas de "the" devant les concepts.

> Moreover, as RedHat Brandful store goodies shipping costs are completely
> unfordable (ortho sur unfordable) by Europeans, we decided to create a webshop as well.
* fordable =  guéable, que l'on peut passer à gué (pour un endroit peu
profond que l'on peut traverser à pieds)
* affordable = abordable
Donc c'est bien "unaffordable".

> As you can see, everything is about promoting Fedora, as it has never
> been the case elsewhere and before.
> How are you going to do it?
> As soon as the organisation will be authorised by the french governement (retouche phrase precedente),
* ok, mais sans "e" en trop à government :)

>  we will invite people to subscribe
> to it, if they are willing to. This may (would ?? je mettrais may) create a lot of money.
would / may, ça ne veut pas dire la même chose non plus... mais passons.

>  Then, because we know that subscriptions (pluriel) will slow down a day or another and because Fedora goodies are very difficult to find in Europe, we had this webshop idea: on each product that are going to be sold, we will get a
> small profit (profit pour benefice) for the organisation.
* ok aussi.

>  Finally, we will (then, finally ds la meme phrase, bof) have some money to work with, so as to create DVDs (les anglais mettent le pluriel aux abbreviations) and help people
> promoting the distribution (abbreviation) (by having a part of their trip refunded (refunded a la place de reimbursed) for
> example).
* ok pour le début.
* ils utilisent bel et bien "reimbursed" pour le remboursement des
déplacements sur le wiki du projet fedora.

> Involved ambassadors voted for the creation of the non-profit
> organisation on January 31st, during Linux Solutions event. Here are the
> involved people : Thomas Canniot (myself -- president), Armel Kermorvant
> (vice-president), Johan Cwislinski (treasurer), Guillaume Kulakowski
> (secretary) and two others people involved in the Steering Committee,
> Thierry Delmonte and Charles Vinchon.
> What do you think of Fedora Europe Infrastructure (FEI)?
> We think that Fedora Europe Infrastructure is a very good idea and we
> want to take an active part in its creation. Let me explain (pas de to :) ) you
* si si je t'assure :) (collins)

>  how we see things (see things, c'est pas anglais, j'ai pas d'idee pour reformuler). We think that FEI has to help people organise themselves
> into local non-profit organisations, mostly as we have done (corrige par mon collegue, j'y arrivais pas) here in France.
* oui, le present perfect est plus judicieux.

> If there are some money to deal with, from RedHat for example, FEI will
> get the money so as to share it to non-profit organisations which need
> to promote Fedora locally. If they can't / don't want to create a
> non-profit organisation or if they don't want to create goodies locally,
> then FEI will have goodies made for them and send to them. FEI however
> should only accept large orders and not give DVDs (pluriel) one by one. Local
> community don't need all the army with us (le with us, ne convient pas) (a big website and all that
> stuff), but only a legal entity ruled by recognised rules that help FEI
> understand that they are not trying to get things for themselves.
* je voulais dire "all the army with them", mais on peut essayer d'être
plus clair.

> How should FEI be organised?
> Well, I don't think it may be a good idea to have only one person
> leading FEI. It may be a very good idea however that some people manage
> things. At least, 3, but not more, to avoid under activity.
> FEI Steering Committee should be elected by Ambassadors. And only
> European Ambassadors should be allowed to be at its head (or maybe one
> person from the Fedora Ambassador Project, as its leader, or even
> higher, Greg or Max).
> Concernant le FEI, du point de vue legal, ca va etre chaud non ?

Non, les associations européennes, ça existe :)


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