[Fedora-fr-list] Compte rendu des RMLL 2008

Pierre-Yves pingou at pingoured.fr
Wed Jul 9 19:47:07 UTC 2008

On Wed, 9 Jul 2008 21:16:18 +0200, Thomas Canniot
<thomas.canniot at mrtomlinux.org> wrote:
> Pour le moment, je travaille avec Pierre-Yves sur la versin anglaise à
> remonter au projet.

Voici donc la version anglaise du compte rendu, commentaires, réactions et
corrections sont les bienvenues.
Merci à Thomas pour la relecture et les corrections.

Je n'enverrai la version définitive qu'après accord de nos quatre
protagonistes pour vérifier que le compte rendu reflète bien leur point
de vue.

Merci à tous et bonne soirée,

-------------- next part --------------
== RMLL feed back and evaluation ==

As announced we received some feed back from the ambassadors that were in the RMLL last week.
Hereby is a small summary of what has been said.

Let's make it clear.

* what are the RMLL ?
RMLL stands for World Wide FOSS Meeting (in French Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre).
This year the meeting has been from the 1st to the 5th of July (so during the week).
They received between 4,000 and 5,000 visitors. This number has increased since last year (3,000 visitors)
Visitors are both professionnals and individuals curious to know more about FOSS and computer science in general.

* Fedora and the RMLL
It is at least the third time that Fedora has a group of amabassadors to this event.

This year there has been 3 ambassadors :
* Charles Vinchon (from Lille (north of France))
* Jonhatan Basse (from Belgium)
* Quentin Dumont (from britain)
and one highly estimate member of the community (Patrice Kadionik, who works in Bordeaux).
They reported the fact presented here.

* The good
- Thanks to the work done by Charles and Patrice, Fedora had a booth and a conference planned during the week.
- Thanks to Matthieu Rondeau and the money given by the Project we had live-cd to distribute at the booth and to create 150 new ones here in France.
- There is around 10 live-cd left
- Quentin bought a couple a French magazines introducing Fedora.
- Most of the time there were around 2 people at the booth and thanks to Quentin (who was also there for his own association) alla questions could habe been answered. His association is a very local lug.
- There were around 60 people per day at the booth
- All the badges/buttons went away on the shoulder of new Fedora Fan (About 120 were given to Ambassadors for the event)
- The conferences were nice and interesting and for all kinds of people
- The conference made about Fedora (by Jonhatan) dragged interested people

* The bad
There have been some problems with the RMLL:
- We were expecting some posters that finally did not show up because of technical issues
- There has been a small lack on the organisation of who bring what in order to make the booth nice and confortable for both the visitors and the ambassadors. 
- The organisation has not been as good as usual (from the RMLL point of view, so there there is nothing we can really do...)
But we also had some problems within the group to organise the meeting.
- Fewer people that hoped at Jonhatan's conference

* The needs
- More people, this lack of people created:
   - a lack in our organisation.
   - a lack in the response to the RMLL organisation
   - a lack of flexibility for the ambassadors (so that they could turn around and enjoy a bit more the event and the conferences)
   - In addition the people that were there were mainly not there only for Fedora (but also for professionnal reason), so they had some duties that they could not miss, creating again a lack at the booth.

The reason of this lack of people is simple
   - July - i.e. big vacations for everybody
   - Event during the week
   - Near Spain border (there is not a lot of French ambassadors over there)

- We need to organise a bit more the booth itself 
   - posters
   - something to make coffee/tea so that people around can stay around and talk and eat a bit

I do not want to be too critical, the four people that gave us feed back really enjoyed their stay there. The organisation from the RMLL comittee seems to not have been as good as the previous years but this is out of our hands.
They had good time and I believe will do it again next year (in Nantes -- the town which welcome the RMLL changes every year) if they can.

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