FUDCon shirts - sizes and quantities

Chris Tyler ctyler at fedoraproject.org
Tue Nov 3 15:06:48 UTC 2009

On Tue, 2009-11-03 at 08:59 -0500, Paul W. Frields wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 11:27:05AM +0100, Yaakov Nemoy wrote:
> > 2009/10/29 Chris Tyler <ctyler at fedoraproject.org>:
> > > We may have a small design issue -- Entripy says that to print that blue
> > > on black, they need to base it (print on top of white), and the smallest
> > > text in the tag cloud is too small to base. I'm trying to get
> > > clarification from them on how small we can go in the tag cloud.
> > 
> > Keep in mind i don't know much about this printing process, but what's
> > the chance that white is going to peek out from behind the blue? Or is
> > that the reason for the limit, to ensure there's no bleed.
> I'm pretty sure it's a bleed/color issue.

Apparently the FUDCon Boston 2009 shirts were base-printed like this
too, mine is starting to crack a bit and the white is showing through
the blue in a couple of spots.

This is what the folks at Entripy are saying:

On Thu, 2009-10-29 at 11:12 -0400, Kiran Mander wrote:
> I just spoke with the graphic manager here and he told me the smallest
> text we can print with the logo being visible.  If you open the back
> file and look at the bottom right circle where the words Toronto and
> First are bolded, you can see the word Moss (which is above first).
> The word Moss is the smallest size we recommend printing the text at
> to get the best screen print.  The word may appear large to you right
> now, however it only seems like this in relation to the other words
> because they are so small.


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