FUDCon Saturday Lunch

Mel Chua mel at redhat.com
Fri Nov 20 00:54:20 UTC 2009

On 11/19/2009 06:24 PM, Chris Tyler wrote:
> I've been checking out various lunch options for the Saturday lunch
> (Seneca internal catering, local caterers, sub shops, etc). The attached
> quotation is from Shari Della Pia, a local caterer and former country
> club chef; she does a great job, and so far this is the only quote that
> fits the original budget.
> I recommend that we go with her attached proposal (with food at 12 noon
> instead of 1 pm, and "FUDCon" substituted for "FUDon", of course :-)

We had +1's all around at the meeting this afternoon (food om nom nom) 
so let's push the magic GOGOGO! button on this.

Chris, what do you need to get Saturday lunch all set? I can apply the 
RH credit card if needed.


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