FUDCon shirts - sizes and quantities

Charlie Brej fudcon at brej.org
Fri Nov 20 10:56:29 UTC 2009

On 20/11/09 00:45, Chris Tyler wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-11-20 at 00:28 +0000, Charlie Brej wrote:
>> On 14/11/09 18:59, Chris Tyler wrote:
>>> Thank you, Bert and Charlie! I sent one of the files off to Entripy to
>>> test text sizes.
>> Have you had a reply yet? When is the submission deadline?
> Good news! Late today I got word that Entripy can run the original
> design using a "double screen". I'm going to visit them on Monday to
> hash out the details. If there are any final changes to the design,
> please let me know.
> -Chris

In that case the original design should be fine, unless you want to change the 

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