FUDCon room booking discrepancies

Mel Chua mchua at fedoraproject.org
Thu Nov 26 03:43:28 UTC 2009

While going through the various hotel-booking lists tonight to make sure 
they were all synced up, I found a few differences I'd like to clear up 

First, the good news.

The F-Eng-funded rooms are all set, and the predicted total is $2k as 
consistently estimated: 

Most of the CommArch-funded rooms are set, too, but a few are not: 

The CommArch total was previously estimated at $3.2k, and the final 
total will be around $3.1-$3.8k depending on how the discrepancies work out.

The discrepancies are below. Two I've already cleared up.

* Ian Weller is riding the FUDBus, so his room with Bert Desmet was 
booked for 4 days, and is now also listed as such. (But funding 
questions on this room remain, see below.)

* Paul is now Clint's roommate, since David can't make it.

The discrepancies I need help clearing up:

* The budget spreadsheet says Ian's room is paid for by CommArch, but 
we're not listed as covering lodging for Bert as well (I can only find 
records of us agreeing to fund his plane ticket). Ian needs the room for 
4 nights, Bert for 3; what should the funding situation be here?

* Rex Dieter and Aaron Seigo are listed as needing a 3 night reservation 
(and being funded for a 3-night reservation) but the note on the wiki 
page says they were booked for 4. Can we confirm they only need 3 
nights? If they were booked for one night more than they need, we might 
be able to easily solve the problem of Smooge being booked for one night 
less than he needs...)

* What is the lodging/funding situation for Peter Robinson, Sebastian 
Dziallas, Jon Stanley, and Matthew Daniels? The budget spreadsheet lists 
us as sponsoring lodging for Sebastian, Jon, and Matthew for 3 nights 
each, I've seen a wiki list that says Sebastian/Peter for 3 nights (with 
Peter paying for his half) and Jon/Matthew for 4, and I've seen another 
wiki list saying Peter/Jon for 4 with no note on funding (and no mention 
of Sebastian and Matthew on that list). I'm not sure which one is 
correct, but I want to make sure all 4 people have a room on the nights 
they need one, and don't pay for that room if they're not supposed to, 
so I just need to know what the arrangement here should be.

Next I'll be crunching the accounting again to see how much room we have 
left in our budget, in case that helps figure out which way we need to 
go on any of these things.

My current numbers show we have $1096.27 of wiggle room, but this 
doesn't take into account the final bill for t-shirts and Saturday lunch 
(both of which I have and will input shortly) or any lodging 
discrepancies (also remembering that $50/person/night is an 
*approximate* quote, not the final hotel bill! Argh!)

Help resolving the lodging questions would be muchly appreciated; I'll 
try to chase down what I can after the spreadsheet is updated.

But first, I'm going debone a turkey.

--Mel Chua, Neurotic FUDCon Accountant

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