FUDCon room booking discrepancies

Yaakov Nemoy loupgaroublond at gmail.com
Thu Nov 26 16:38:30 UTC 2009

2009/11/26  <bert at devnox.be>:
> On Thu, 26 Nov 2009 10:14:16 -0600, Ian Weller <ian at ianweller.org> wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 09:43:28PM -0600, Mel Chua wrote:
>>> * The budget spreadsheet says Ian's room is paid for by CommArch, but
>>> we're not listed as covering lodging for Bert as well (I can only find
>>> records of us agreeing to fund his plane ticket). Ian needs the room
> for
>>> 4 nights, Bert for 3; what should the funding situation be here?
>> Bert said he was gonna pay half when he got to the hotel. I'm assuming
>> he meant for the four nights. If that's a problem for him and CommArch
>> has issues covering it I'll pay for that half-night.
> jep, I'll pay half of the hotel (for 4 nights)..
> but can you tell me how much it will cost me *exactly*, maybe I should get
> some more canadian dollars then :-)

If you have a credit card or a bank card that works like a credit card
abroad (Mastercard, Visa), you can usually pay straight from the card
without needing to have cash on you. You can also use it to withdraw
money from an ATM. Check with your bank first to see if there are any
fees involved. I know that i got the best rates using American bank
cards in Europe this way, rather than getting currency ahead of time
or using travelers checks or anything old fashioned.


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