FUDCon map handout?

Andrew Overholt overholt at redhat.com
Fri Nov 27 15:42:39 UTC 2009

* Chris Tyler <ctyler at fedoraproject.org> [2009-11-27 10:35]:
> Is there value in making a map for FUDCon?

I think this would be a great idea.

> to our community), info on the FUDPub/Skating/Hack 'n' Snack.

Speaking of skating, after considering a lot of food/pub options, Behdad
pointed me to the new-ish 3 Brewers pub/restaurant on Yonge Street.  He
says it's quite large and then menu is good so I think we're set there.
Also, I had originally thought about quick food before skating and pub
afterward but I think just going to the 3 Brewers afterwards is probably
best.  I'll add this to the wiki after I call them to confirm.

As for transportation to/from City Hall, I had originally thought we'd
all TTC.  However, at ~$6 per person return, we could easily cover bus
parking costs for less than TTC.  This of course assumes we have fewer
people skating than the bus can transport.  If that's not the case then
we can all TTC or do some bus + some TTC.  I'm trying to find a place to
park the bus.  Green P lots won't take buses so I'm looking at some
private lots.

Paul/Mel:  is is possible to use the bus to transport people who want to
go skating?


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