Budget note

Paul W. Frields stickster at gmail.com
Thu Oct 1 00:46:07 UTC 2009

Thanks to a stupid mistake by Yours Truly, and a keen eye by John
Rose, rumours of being over budget are somewhat (but not wholly)

John realized that I had listed people as needing $300 for lodging
when in fact they are staying for 3 nights *at double occupancy* in
~$100/night rooms.  Thus the true cost is more like $150.

Balancing this out, though, it turns out that the Local Motion quote
over the phone may not have been correct.  The bus will be more
expensive than we thought, but *not* so much more that it's worth
reconsidering the vendor.  In other words, it should still be
a reasonable cost, just not so jaw-droppingly low.  And it will still
be a very significant cost savings for the number of people we're
planning to transport.

So the long and short is, we *still* need sponsorships if we want to
subsidize more people's travel, but we're not so overboard as to be
doomed from the start.  And we still have room to tighten the belt on
things like lunch on hackfest days, which we will resort to if the
sponsorships we're currently pursuing fall through in the next week or


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