
Paul W. Frields stickster at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 17:55:11 UTC 2009

On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 11:10:56AM -0400, Chris Tyler wrote:
> Paul,
> I wanted to remind you off-list of HGI's offer of one king suite for
> free for a hospitality room, and (optionally) one more king suite for
> the regular room rate. In either case these need to be booked directly
> with the hotel.
> I don't know if you want to use the free king suite as just a hack room,
> or whether -- because it has a separate bedroom -- you could accommodate
> someone there. E.g., if you took this as your room, you'd have a private
> bedroom, and could use the living room part for hacking/meeting/sprints,
> and you'd save one room fee. (Not a lot of savings, but a few hundred
> bucks).

Ha!  This is actually on the list, but I'm glad about that -- since I
had no plan for the room anyway. :-) My plan was to double up with
somebody in a room just like everyone else, and use the king suite for
a hospitality/hacking room.

But since you mention it, the idea of putting people in this room is
an interesting one, although I worry it would actually make those
people's FUDCon experience less joyful.  Maybe we could take
volunteers for it, with the knowledge that they would be saving us
money but there might be late night visitors there.

I don't think we expect people to be loud in that suite anyway, which
would probably raise the ire of the hotel staff and other guests.  I
imagine the hack suite would be pretty quiet after 10:00 or 11:00pm,
and if nothing else we could simply ask people to observe those quiet
hours, for the good of FUDCon, the other hotel guests, and the people
who might be staying in the bedroom part of the suite.

I hadn't seen the offer of *another* king suite, but if it's at the
regular room rate, I think we should just take them up on it, and put
at least two people in it per usual.


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