FUDcon LATAM 2011 decision & FAmSCo meeting minutes

Igor Pires Soares igorsoares at gmail.com
Mon Nov 1 23:28:07 UTC 2010

Em Seg, 2010-11-01 às 19:15 -0300, Sven von Brand Laredo escreveu:
> I read the meeting log and would like to give some opinion:
> First, it would have been great to have had someone from
> Chile present at the meeting, I didn't attend, because I believed
> I wasn't supposed to be present, but I saw that it was an open
> meeting. For the next year maybe it would be a good idea to
> invite a representative from each bid to the meeting.

I indeed missed someone from Chile in the meeting.

> Second: I wanted to clarify, that the difference between Panamá and
> Brazil, Chile, Argentina and many other countries in South America
> is that Central America is actually small compared to South
> America, it is expensive to get there and it does not benefit from
> countries around it, because it's much like a line of countries.
> Actually I recommend seeing this wikipedia article on Peters
> projection to really compare sizes:
> http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proyecci%C3%B3n_de_Peters

That was one of my main concerns during the bid process. Central America
has a small population if compared to South America and this is one of
the reasons why we don't have many contributors there. Despite that they
indeed deserve to host a FUDCon, it is a good bid. Now we have to plan
the event considering these issues.

I reinforce that we have to think the FUDCon LATAM not as a big set of
talks but as a balanced amount of talks along with technical activities.
Even having a higher number of technical people in the regions where
last FUDCons in LATAM were held the organizers weren't able to treat
technical sessions and hackfests appropriately. This is something we
really should pay attention this time by forehand. And since most
technical contributors are from other parts of the continent we will
spend a lot of money with travel subsidies. Fortunately, CommArch is
committed in supporting the community on that so we can attenuate the

Now it is a good time to join our friends from Panama and help them to
make the best FUDCon ever!

Igor Pires Soares
Fedora I18N/L10N QA
Fedora Ambassador (Brazil)

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