FUDCon Panama meeting recap - 2011-02-25

Max Spevack mspevack at fedoraproject.org
Mon Feb 28 22:56:04 UTC 2011

I wanted to take a moment to clarify something that I was asked about 
related to FUDCon Panama budget.

In the *previous* quarter, I made the executive decision to go ahead and 
get plane tickets purchased for Dennis Gilmore and Toshio Kuratomi for 
FUDCon Panama because we were about to end Red Hat's fiscal year, and I 
wanted to get those purchases made ASAP.

I don't want to have that money count against the larger FUDCon Panama 
budget, which is what the organizational team and Jared have to work 
with, so let's just consider it a "bonus" from a budget point of view.

If it would be useful to spend a future organizational meeting going 
over purely budget related stuff, I'd be happy to attend.  Jared also 
has my proxy.


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