Creation of FAD components on FUDCon track

Igor Pires Soares igorsoares at
Wed Jun 22 01:26:11 UTC 2011

Em Ter, 2011-06-21 às 14:42 -0400, Paul W. Frields escreveu:
> On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 03:22:04PM -0300, Igor Pires Soares wrote:
> > 
> > For planning a FUDCon we have tickets that are open to anyone who wants
> > to see them. We use them for tasks, costs and travel subsidies. For
> > planning a FAD we need to file basically the same kind of tickets. Since
> > there isn't a specific trac system or component for FADs, most of the
> > tickets go to the FAmsCo track. Since the visibility there is more
> > restricted, for understandable reasons, it takes some additional efforts
> > to provide the same information for all interested in the FAD.
> > 
> > For instance, while planning the upcoming FAD at FISL we needed to
> > replicate the same information available on FAmSCo Track also on this
> > list and on the Brazilian mailing list. In addition to that, when
> > mentioning a particular ticket, sometimes we would like to make clear
> > what the ticket content is. And this is hard to do if the ticket is not
> > visible to everyone.
> > 
> > Another approach could be to set up the regional ticketing systems to
> > send email notifications to this list when planning the FAD, but I'm not
> > sure if this will work due to the language diversity.
> I guess I'm wondering why we need ticketing for FADs -- it seems very
> much out of alignment with their mission to be lightweight, easy to
> put together, inexpensive, and focused in a specific geographic area.
> I'm 100% in favor of transparency in planning.  At the same time, I
> think it's important that FAD event planning be very lightweight.
> That's different from FUDCon events, which involve a lot more people
> and a lot more funding.  A FAD is designed to bring people together
> who are already in close proximity to each other, or can get together
> with a relatively small amount of funding.  It's designed to require
> very little formal planning and budget, and have a very tightly
> focused goal of getting a specific piece of Fedora related work
> completed.  For example, you might have three people on the
> Infrastructure team who are interested in doing a hackfest to address
> a set of bugs in the Fedora Account System code.  Or you might have
> four people involved in the Design team who are getting together to
> create a set of designs for a new set of configuration tools in
> Fedora.

I do believe that FADs should follow that lightweight approach, and I
see that this have been working pretty well. On the other hand, I see
that the lightweight approach works better for standalone FADs. But FADs
organized together with other big events such FISL can draw a lot of
attention and demand some additional work. Not only because the FAD
itself, but due to the characteristics of those events. Separating the
FAD organization of the event organization itself might be
counterproductive as well, since it usually involves the same set of
people, activities and resources.

> I've generally planned FADs entirely on the wiki, which provides
> plenty of transparency when combined with discussion on the relevant
> email list, and blog posts explaining the event.  Ticket filing seems
> like overkill for these events, other than perhaps making a request
> for the small amount of total funding needed (e.g. a hotel room or
> two, and some reasonable food costs such as pizza during the event).
> Typically the people who attend are self-organizing because they're
> already interested in finishing work on the topic in question.
> Regardless of how FAmSCo's Trac works, it should still be simple to
> discuss the FAD on the appropriate mailing list, and/or announce it on
> a Fedora Planet blog post.  If the FAD has an appropriate scope and
> focus, and it's communicated openly, the number of people involved
> will be pretty small, and people who aren't attending won't be worried
> about transparency issues.

I'm not sure if the wiki is the best place for some specific details
such reimbursements needed, airfare itinerary discussions, etc. It's
hard do keep all those things on the wiki. People can erase some
information by mistake and the organizational history doesn't appear
quite clear as in a ticketing system.

Other issue we hit from the very begging was to figure out how much
money was appropriate to spend on the FAD. I see that only a few FAD
pages have a description of how much was spent. Fortunately, Robyn
already provided us the right guidance, as also advised on the FAD wiki
template, to include those descriptions and I think they will be helpful
for next organizers.

I just realized that the upcoming FAD at FISL will be the first FAD in
LATAM, although we have had really nice Fedora activities at FISL
before. I'm not going to attend this year but I'm working on the budget
side along with FAmSCo, and I would like to provide proper guidance for
LATAM folks and improve the process for the upcoming FAD and next ones.

Igor Pires Soares
Fedora Ambassador (Brazil) - Member of FAmSCo
Fedora I18N/L10N QA

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