FUDCon EMEA Bidding now open

Sandro "red" Mathys red at fedoraproject.org
Wed Mar 16 14:59:30 UTC 2011

On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 14:49, Jared K. Smith <jsmith at fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> The bidding process is described at
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon_bid_process.  Any interested
> parties are invited to submit their bids. Once you have prepared a
> bid, please send an email to the fudcon-planning list.  Bids will be
> accepted up until the end of the day on March 15th, 2011.

So now that we've reached the deadline and received 3 bids, what's the
next steps, who's in charge and what's the time frame?

The bid process page says that the local ambassador leadership should
now review the bids and ask follow-up questions. Afterwards they
should send a list of locations to consider to "the FUDCon planning
committee (made up of the FPL, FAmSCo, and other interested community
members)" which will then, together with Red Hat, choose the best

So, is the "local ambassador leadership" informed about their task?
How is "local leadership" actually defined? Like FAmSCo is not local
but global and I wouldn't know of a local leadership group (and can't
fine one on the wiki).

-- red

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