FUDCon EMEA 2012 meeting minutes

Kévin Raymond shaiton at fedoraproject.org
Thu Aug 2 19:16:33 UTC 2012

Hi there,

Please find bellow the meeting minutes[1].
Apologies, we moved to -meeting-1.

Thanks for reading.

#fedora-meeting-1: FUDCon EMEA 2012

Meeting started by shaiton at 18:03:31 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
  (shaiton, 18:10:03)
* hotel  (shaiton, 18:11:06)
  * LINK:
    (shaiton, 18:12:46)
  * LINK:
    (rbergeron, 18:13:51)
  * LINK:
    (rbergeron, 18:15:05)
  * ACTION: rbergeron to make the hotel reservation announcement to the
    announce mailing list (once funding is open)  (shaiton, 18:17:38)
  * ACTION: pingou to blog post about the hotel reservation  (shaiton,
  * ACTION: shaiton to get the number of reservation already made
    (shaiton, 18:18:34)

* funding  (shaiton, 18:20:31)
  * for subsidy purpose - a total stay for one person is EUR122 (3
    days), 40,5EUR per person per night  (rbergeron, 18:29:55)
  * room cost is EUR81 per night; people expected for 3 nights total
    (rbergeron, 18:30:11)
  * LINK:
    (shaiton, 18:31:03)
  * ACTION: shaiton to make budget needs clear  (shaiton, 18:32:16)
  * ACTION: rbergeorn to open subsidies tomorrow (aug. 3) and close on
    aug. 15, send an announcement+reminder on hotels tomorrow.
    (rbergeron, 18:36:40)

* design  (shaiton, 18:38:05)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/233   (shaiton,
  * ACTION: shaiton to ping the design team  (shaiton, 18:38:51)
  * LINK: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/File:Fudcon_paris11_draft.png
    (eseyman, 18:41:16)
  * ACTION: eseyman to add the above pics on the design ticket
    (shaiton, 18:43:25)

* other tasks  (shaiton, 18:43:31)
  * LINK:
    (shaiton, 18:44:01)
  * LINK: http://www.openworldforum.org/en/Schedule   (shaiton,
  * ACTION: shaiton to call Constance and see how to deal with
    translations  (shaiton, 18:50:39)
  * ACTION:   (shaiton, 18:52:00)
  * ACTION: shaiton sponsors  (shaiton, 18:52:09)
  * ACTION: shaiton to update our schedule about OWF and FUDCon TODOs
    (shaiton, 19:01:17)
  * ACTION: shaiton to add the Free Amazing Topic Proposal on the
    registration wiki page  (shaiton, 19:09:56)
  * HELP: everyone, you will then be able to add your wishes there! see
    ^  (shaiton, 19:10:18)

* Open Floor  (shaiton, 19:10:29)
  * ACTION: pingou to confirm the meeting time  (shaiton, 19:13:02)

Meeting ended at 19:13:57 UTC.

Action Items
* rbergeron to make the hotel reservation announcement to the announce
  mailing list (once funding is open)
* pingou to blog post about the hotel reservation
* shaiton to get the number of reservation already made
* shaiton to make budget needs clear
* rbergeorn to open subsidies tomorrow (aug. 3) and close on aug. 15,
  send an announcement+reminder on hotels tomorrow.
* shaiton to ping the design team
* eseyman to add the above pics on the design ticket
* shaiton to call Constance and see how to deal with translations
* shaiton sponsors
* shaiton to update our schedule about OWF and FUDCon TODOs
* shaiton to add the Free Amazing Topic Proposal on the registration
  wiki page
* pingou to confirm the meeting time

Action Items, by person
* eseyman
  * eseyman to add the above pics on the design ticket
* pingou
  * pingou to blog post about the hotel reservation
  * pingou to confirm the meeting time
* rbergeron
  * rbergeron to make the hotel reservation announcement to the announce
    mailing list (once funding is open)
* shaiton
  * shaiton to get the number of reservation already made
  * shaiton to make budget needs clear
  * shaiton to ping the design team
  * shaiton to call Constance and see how to deal with translations
  * shaiton sponsors
  * shaiton to update our schedule about OWF and FUDCon TODOs
  * shaiton to add the Free Amazing Topic Proposal on the registration
    wiki page
  * rbergeorn to open subsidies tomorrow (aug. 3) and close on aug. 15,
    send an announcement+reminder on hotels tomorrow.

People Present (lines said)
* shaiton (130)
* rbergeron (92)
* pingou (19)
* eseyman (13)
* zodbot (10)
* number80 (4)
* thunderbirdtr (3)
* kwizart (2)
* zoltanh7211 (1)

[1] http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2012-08-02/fudcon_emea_paris.2012-08-02-18.03.html

Kévin Raymond
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