FUDCon EMEA, Paris 2012 meeting minutes

Kévin Raymond shaiton at fedoraproject.org
Thu Aug 9 18:36:25 UTC 2012

Hi there, 

Please read here our meeting minutes.
That was a fast meeting as we don't really have more new tasks or new input for
you. Just please… Register ;)

Let's meet on next week where funding request would be closed and handled.


Meeting started by shaiton at 18:04:27 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    hotel (shaiton, 18:09:26)
        registration open, you NEED to register before the next meeting if you
want to ask for reimbursment (shaiton, 18:10:24)
(shaiton, 18:10:30)
        ACTION: to send a last call for registration/funding on Monday (shaiton,

    funding (shaiton, 18:13:24)
        HELP: Carlos (opossum1er) could you ask for tshirt quotes please?
(shaiton, 18:16:27)

    design (shaiton, 18:17:58)
        HELP: we NEED you, the design team ;) (shaiton, 18:18:55)

    other tasks (shaiton, 18:19:43)
        ACTION: eseyman to start the wiki page(s) about the booklet content, and
send a help message to the French team (shaiton, 18:21:58)

    open floor (shaiton, 18:27:46)
        we are going to meet at my place the 15th of August. If you're in Paris
by that time, tell me and join us! (shaiton, 18:31:38)
        ACTION: shaiton to send a reminder to the team… (shaiton, 18:31:51)

Meeting ended at 18:34:02 UTC (full logs).

Action items

    to send a last call for registration/funding on Monday
    eseyman to start the wiki page(s) about the booklet content, and send a help
message to the French team
    shaiton to send a reminder to the team…

Action items, by person

        eseyman to start the wiki page(s) about the booklet content, and send a
help message to the French team
        shaiton to send a reminder to the team…

Kévin Raymond
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