[fudcon-planning] #353: Funding request for Onuralp SEZER

fudcon-planning fudcon-planning-trac at fedorahosted.org
Fri Aug 31 20:48:59 UTC 2012

#353: Funding request for Onuralp SEZER
 Reporter:               |       Owner:  rbergero
  thunderbirdtr          |      Status:  new
     Type:  Funding      |   Milestone:  Paris 2012: Travel Subsidies
  request                |  Requested
 Priority:  normal       |  Resolution:
Component:  FUDCon       |  Blocked By:
  Paris 2012             |
 Keywords:               |
 Blocking:               |

Comment (by thunderbirdtr):

 This FudCON will be my first FudCON event in FedoraProject. as Cwickert
 said I'm the only active Ambassadors in Turkey. and I want to learn so
 many thing in FudCON. Like "real huge event" , espcially Rs-pi and Fedora
 Remix with that part I want to build complex system with Fedora make
 perfect and contribute on it , How can I build active TR community and get
 sugesstion another biggest part for me meet Fedora people just that part
 get too excited me. Seeing wonderfull people in here and meet them will be
 perfect. In addition to these I want to learn "how can I be more active in
 Fudcon or other events ? "

 Thank you


Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/353#comment:3>
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