FUDCon EMEA Paris Funding approval meeting minutes

Kévin Raymond shaiton at fedoraproject.org
Thu Sep 6 20:50:21 UTC 2012

Hi there,

Please see bellow the meeting minutes.

See ya next we with a regular FUDCon planning meeting.

#fedora-meeting-1: FUDCon EMEA 2012
Meeting started by shaiton_ at 20:02:43 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

        this is a Fuding Approval Meeting. Next Thursday would be the usual
meeting (shaiton_, 20:03:34)
(shaiton_, 20:05:01)

    Funding Requests (shaiton_, 20:07:08)
        The meeting is planned for 1h30 max (shaiton_, 20:07:21)
        5 requests to look at (shaiton_, 20:07:35)

    Ticket #349 - robyduck - https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/349
(shaiton_, 20:10:50)
        we approved for $70 but the ticket was more expensive (my bad, failed to
refresh the page) (shaiton_, 20:11:25)
        AGREED: Funding transportation up to $150, #ticket 349 (shaiton_,

    Ticket #351 - comzeradd -
https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/351 (shaiton_, 20:14:42)
        Nikos is asking for $422 at least ($273 for the plane + the hotel)
(shaiton_, 20:15:29)
        AGREED: Funding transportation + hotel (he needs to find a roomate) up
to $422, #ticket 351 (shaiton_, 20:21:25)

    Ticket #353 - thunderbirdtr -
https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/353 (shaiton_, 20:22:53)
        Onuralp is asking for 392€ (shaiton_, 20:23:51)
        AGREED: Funding transportation (if you find a cheaper flight that would
be great. Hope that it won't be more expensive now) + hotel up to 392€, #ticket
353 (shaiton_, 20:29:11)

    Ticket #342 - bckurera - https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/342
(shaiton_, 20:30:11)
        https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/282 previous funding
this year was approved (pingou, 20:32:56)
        REJECTED: bckurera request is too expensive. Please come back if you can
participate/have a cheaper flight, #ticket 342 (shaiton_, 20:36:05)

    Ticket #354 - ctyler - https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/354
(shaiton_, 20:36:50)
        Chris is asking for the hotel (shaiton_, 20:37:18)
        AGREED: Funding the hotel (he needs to find a roomate), #ticket 354
(shaiton_, 20:39:55)

    Open Floor (shaiton_, 20:40:08)

Meeting ended at 20:43:46 UTC (full logs).

Action items


People present (lines said)

    shaiton_ (87)
    number80 (20)
    pingou (18)
    eseyman (17)
    Renault (8)
    robyduck (7)
    rbergeron (4)
    zodbot (4)
    ctyler (4)
    kwizart (1)

Kévin Raymond
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