[Ambassadors] FUDCon Latam Minutes

MarĂ­a Leandro tatica at fedoraproject.org
Sat Aug 24 00:12:24 UTC 2013

Hello all.

I can understand that Alejandro didn't like the proposal, however, I
believe that this is a democracy and a vote needed to be made.

I have been working on the schedule and I can say that the barcamp is still
going and is still the 75% of the event, the only thing pre-arranged is to
have meetings at the end of the day.

I think that the base of a community is dialog and understand that
sometimes, our opinions aren't followed by the rest, and when that happens,
we just need to adapt, improve and keep going as a community.

This is not a thing about "there is not going to be a barcamp", was a
complete misunderstanding and a lack of patience to listen a proposal that,
either proceeds or not, is the right of the people of our community to
expose it.

I hope that this issue stay in the past and we can move on.

Have all a good night.

2013/8/23 Leonardo Menezes Vaz <leonardo.vaz at gmail.com>

> >
> http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fudcon-planning/2013-08-20/fudcon_planning.2013-08-20-23.59.log.html
> Unfortunately I was not able to participate this meeting, however I
> read the logs and similarly Alejandro I felt a quite uncomfortable
> about this changes and the way on how decisions have been taken.
> I don't think right changing the rules about the conference when we
> are just a month from its beginning and I just let all you know about
> my opinion. I am really sad for knowing we won't have Alejandro with
> us in Cuzco, because he is one of the greatest contributors we
> currently have in LATAM and I really wanted to meet him to discuss
> about many initiatives to get more people involved in Fedora in this
> part of the world.
> When I knew about the last meeting I was really inclined to cancel my
> participation in FUDCon LATAM in support to Alejandro, however my
> tickets are bought and paid almost a month now.
> I think people should reconsider all this things because there's a
> risk here of loosing another good Fedora contributor.
> Leo
> --
> Leonardo Menezes Vaz
> +55 11 96641 9412
> Sent from Gale Crater, Mars
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Maria Gracia Leandro
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