[fudcon-planning] #430: Sponsor Request for FUDCon Cusco - Abdel Martínez (potty)

fudcon-planning fudcon-planning-trac at fedorahosted.org
Mon May 20 16:16:36 UTC 2013

#430: Sponsor Request for FUDCon Cusco - Abdel Martínez (potty)
  Reporter:  potty       |      Owner:  alexove
      Type:  Funding     |     Status:  new
  request                |  Milestone:  Security FAD: Travel Purchase
  Priority:  normal      |  Requests
 Component:  FUDCon      |   Keywords:
  Cusco 2013             |   Blocking:
Blocked By:              |
 Please set the "Component" below to the correct event for your request.

 Tell us the following:

 * What do you need covered? (Please estimate the costs in USD: hotel $X,
 travel $Y.)

 Hotel 21 dls per 4 days. Air ticket Panama lima Copa 515.15 dls Air ticket
 Lima Cusco 126.93 dls.  Air ticket total 642.08

 * If we cannot provide a full subsidy, will a partial subsidy be helpful?


 * If Yes, specify the minimum amount you need covered to facilitate your

 * What will you accomplish by being at FUDCon? (Please be as specific as
 possible, since this is the most important factor in granting requests.)

 MariaDB Galera Clustering (potty): I'm going to explain this synchronous
 multi-master cluster for MariaDB.
 Objective: Take advantage of the MariaDB package included on Fedora
 Package Database and try the clustering features.
 - Features
 - Benefits
 - Technology
 - HowTo

 Administrate your data center using the best tool: oVirt (potty): In this
 speech I'm going to explain the main features of this tools, how to
 install it and its basic configuration.
 Objective: Propose a sandbox for newcomers to practice on Fedora Cloud
 (new idea).
 - Features
 - Recommended Requeriments
 - Installation
 - Configuration
 - Extra Info

 FAS Hackfest (potty & LoKoMurdoK): We are going to solve some tickets and
 include potential contributors to this team.
 Objective: Solve at least 3 tickets.
 - How to colaborate on FAS?
 - Requirements
 - It is necessary to be a developer?
 - Should I be an expert?
 - Where to look at?
 - Configure your equipent to work with us.

 Want to be a Fedora Ambassador? How to do a good one? (potty &
 We are going to share our experience as Fedora Ambassadors and guide
 potential contributors to this team.
 Objective: Include at least one new ambassador.
 - How to be an Ambassador?
 - Learn the process
 - Tips and recommendations

 RPM Development Hackfest (potty & LoKoMurdoK): We are going to explain the
 process for RPM development and it publication on Fedora Package Database.
 Objective: Generate at least two functional packages and include one
 person on the RPMDEV team.
 - Steps to start as packager.
 - Configure your equipment.
 - Create your first package.

 Internationalization Hackfest (potty & LoKoMurdoK): We are going to
 translate part of the Fedora 18 documentation to Spanish.
 Objective: Obtain news colaborators for this team.
 - How to enter this team?
 - Tools for translations.
 - What are the proper parameters?
 - Bugzilla.

 Documentation Hackfest (potty & LoKoMurdoK): We are going to generate the
 documentation for some Fedora 18 feature.
 Objective: Generate a new document for Fedora 18 documentation.
 - Documentation tools (DocBook & Publican).
 - Actual bugs.
 - Steps to solve documentation bugs.

 * If you are requesting airfare, include complete flight information such
 as flight numbers, desired departure and arrival airports, and times. Also
 let us know if you have specific time restrictions.

 Panamá (PTY), Panamá mar, sep 24, 11:26 AM Lima (LIM), Perú mar, sep 24,
 02:58 PM


 Copa Airlines Familia tarifaria : Económica Extra (E) Sin escala Boeing
 737-700 Lima (LIM), Perú mié, oct 02, 01:50 PM Panamá (PTY), Panamá mié,
 oct 02, 05:28 PM


 Copa Airlines Familia tarifaria : Económica Extra (E) Sin escala Boeing
 737-700 Tarifa total ADULTO 12+ 279.00 120.00 116.14 515.14 x 1 USD 515.14

 Ida [+] info Salida Llegada Vuelo Cabina Equipaje Miercoles 25 septiembre
 2013 16:35 Lima (LIM) 17:55 Cusco (CUZ) LA2003

 Operado por LAN PERU Económica-X Máximo 2 piezas que pesen 23 kg en total.
 Regreso [+] info Salida Llegada Vuelo Cabina Equipaje Miercoles 02 octubre
 2013 07:40 Cusco (CUZ) 09:05 Lima (LIM) LA2016

 Operado por LAN PERU Económica-X Máximo 2 piezas que pesen 23 kg en total.

 Tarifa Tasas y/o impuestos Total (USD)

 Pasajero adulto nº 1 96.00 30.93 126.93 Total 96.00 30.93 US$ 126.93

 * Do you need a visa or other official processing before you can attend
 FUDCon? If so, approximately how long does that processing take?


 * Include any additional, relevant information.

 If approved, need an invitation letter

Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/430>
fudcon-planning <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon>
FUDCon event planning

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