wesnoth 1.4

Jon Ciesla limb at jcomserv.net
Tue Apr 1 20:02:17 UTC 2008

>>>>>> "JC" == Jon Ciesla <limb at jcomserv.net> writes:
> JC> Even to preserve other existing functionality, i.e. network play?
> Yes, because that functionality doesn't break due to the fact that an
> update was pushed.  I feel that taking an affirmative action to break
> things is worse than taking no action and having other things broken.
> If you like, push an update that, when started, opens a dialog
> explaining the situation.  It is also theoretically possible to push a
> wesnoth14 package which users could install after removing the
> existing package, but that gets a bit complicated and isn't really
> pleasant.

So it'd be preferable to leave it in rawhide, add something to the release
notes for F9, and call it done?

>  - J<

novus ordo absurdum

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