port of game-data-packager to Fedora

Alexandre Detiste alexandre.detiste at gmail.com
Mon Nov 2 09:43:32 UTC 2015


My redhat/fedora skills were a bit rusty (1998-rusty),
so as an exercice I dediced to port to fedora 
the game-data-packager Debian native project I'm working on.

So far, so good, it's already mostly done.


That will provide Fedora recipes to automaticaly build noarch .rpm
for currently about 200 games; one of my goal is to cover 
all versions of all scummvm games.

It can also download shareware data for doom, quake, descent... games.


Of course it would be better to have real Fedora users that test this;
not only someone that run a minimal install on a container.
(chocolate-doom works over "ssh -X" !)

For example I already spotted that fedora "dynamite" package
is lacking id-shr-extract program; but "wolf4sdl" is also not packaged,
so this is not a problem.


Of course, I realize it could be against Fedora policy (it's also not in Debian proper,
but in contrib)...


There's also a handfull of DFSG games supported, like "Soltys" & "Dracie Historie";
and DreamWeb that is distributable.


Alexandre Detiste
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