[Fedora-haskell-list] Re: Test package - Cabal- (using cabal_* macros). was: Re: [Fedora-packaging] Revised Haskell Guidelines 2008.08.13

Yaakov Nemoy loupgaroublond at gmail.com
Thu Aug 28 23:29:36 UTC 2008

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 6:20 PM, Rajesh Krishnan <fedora at krishnan.cc> wrote:
> Yaakov,
> For Hackage packages that contain only libraries, or a single executable, the
> package building specification  is clear (name the RPM for library only
> package xyz as ghc-xyz, and name the RPM for a single executable package xyz
> as just xyz without the ghc prefix).
> But the part of the specification is not clear to me is:
>  What would be the RPM name for a Hackage package xyz that contains multiple
> libraries and multiple executables? Is it OK to create a single RPM called
> xyz  in for such a package, or do they necessarily need to be split up into
> multiple package fragments?  Please explain if you could.  Note that the
> number of such fragmented RPMs would multiply fast (creation of perhaps -prof
> and -doc etc. if applicable for each subpackage) .
> Thanks in advance.
> -Rajesh

Can you give me an example?

It's not unreasonable for a package to install multiple executables
either, mind you that they are all connected in some way.  It's a bit
stranger that there are multiple libraries involved, all coming from a
single source tarball.  Perhaps upstream needs to split up what it's
doing into several source packages?


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