[Fedora-haskell-list] haddock reindexing is slow

Jens Petersen petersen at redhat.com
Wed Nov 3 09:42:22 UTC 2010

I have noticed lately how slow haddock docs re-indexing is
with ghc-6.12.3 in F14 (perhaps it is on 6.12.1 too?
though I don't remember F13 being so slow?).
On F14 machine it takes about 25s or more to run gen_contents_index!
And of course it is currently run every time
a library devel package is installed, updated,
or removed.  That can add up to a lot of time.

I am considering moving the re-indexing to a cronjob.
I know how to prevent it from re-generating if
there are no package/version changes, but not
how to stop it from %post from running for each
rpm transaction.  So even running it hourly if
necessary should not hurt have any impact.

I filed https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=649228
to track this.

Any thoughts, ideas, or comments?


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