[Bug 837388] Bluetile doesn't work properly with Java GUI apps

bugzilla at redhat.com bugzilla at redhat.com
Wed Jul 4 17:08:27 UTC 2012


--- Comment #4 from Solitary <t.hlavnicka at centrum.cz> ---
Ok, test case... I was thinking about some app from repositories, because
Netbeans are not in repos anymore. I assume you have Icedtea installed, so you
must have IcedTea Web Control Panel in control center. 

Test case:
Have Bluetile running as window manager.
Have one extra window open (browser for example)
1. start IcedTea Web Control Panel and make it focused
2. choose Network tab
3. select "Manual proxy server" radio button (so the Address/Port text areas
are enabled)
4. switch focus to extra window (e.g. browser)
5. switch focus back to IcedTea Web Control Panel window
6. click into Address/Port text areas so you can edit them

Expected result:
After clicking into Address/Port text areas there should be text cursor and you
should be able to write

Actual result:
Nothing happens, text areas will not gain focus and text cursor will not

This happens with Netbeans also, even the main development text area (where the
source code is) is bugged this way (but its easy to work around it, because you
can just click into list of projects and click back into development text area.
Eclipse doesn't seem to be affected at all (as far as my quick test showed, I
prefer Netbeans)... weird.

I am going to test F16 now... (I skipped F16 so I don't know whether it worked
or not)

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