[Fedora-i18n-list] iiimf-le-xcin non-success

Martin J. Hsu hsum at ematters.com.tw
Mon Apr 12 07:51:45 UTC 2004

Hi Lawrence,

I tried this shortly after I got your message and more
extensively today.

>Yes, there is a debug flag available.
>1) service IIim stop OR kill all htt and htt_server processes
>2) Depending where the htt executable is (could be /usr/lib/im/ or
>/usr/bin), manually start htt with debug flag by typing
>    /usr/bin/htt -d
>You be able to see the debug message from here.

/usr/lib/im/htt -d

created this process:
  htt_server -nodaemon -d

However, nothing came up in at terminal or in /var/log/messages

The gedit test still didn't yield any input.  I ran:

  LANG=zh_TW.UTF-8 GTK_IM_MODULE=iiim gedit

I'm using Gnome on FC1.

I haven't tried anything other than xcin.  Unfortunately,
my time has been a bit limited lately.

Maybe FC2 test2 IIimf works out of the box?

>Does other LE work for you? or it is just xcin that is causing the
>problem? Also, if you are using GNOME, did you set the
>GTK_IM_MODULE=iiim or if your are KDE, did you use httx?

Martin J. Hsu

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