[Fedora-i18n-list] IIIMF inpinyin: Punctuations

Ling Li ling at caltech.edu
Wed Feb 25 07:50:39 UTC 2004

Hi Lawrence,

Thanks for the clarification. I've removed the newpy package so inpinyin 
is the only LE. The situation is the same. Please do make a bug report 
against the punctuation stuff.

I will follow the more formalized test steps in your guide later when I 
have time.

Thank you for all your hard work!

Lawrence Lim wrote:
> Hi Ling,
> It is possible to have more than one LE installed for a single locale. 
> However, at present, there is a bug. It is not possible at present for 
> user to select the LE desired if more than one for the same locale exist.
> Going back to the problem you encountered, I suspect you could be using 
> the newpy when those situation occured. May I suggest that you manually 
> remove  newpy LE by doing "rm /usr/lib/im/leif/newpy.so" and try again 
> so we are sure that it is inpinyin that is causing and we will fill a 
> bug against it.

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