[Fedora-i18n-list] Japanese input _almost_ working in English FC2 (KDE)

Akira TAGOH tagoh at redhat.com
Fri Jul 2 02:01:25 UTC 2004

>>>>> On Thu, 01 Jul 2004 22:38:39 +0000,
>>>>> "morpheus" == morpheus <morpheus at post.harvard.edu> wrote:

morpheus> Yeah, I've tried just about all the key combinations I can think of,
morpheus> including CTRL-space, SHIFT-space, ALT-space, etc. etc...

BTW I couldn't find which version are you using from your
mails (but you said the latest packages)
Pleas make sure anyway:
- you have installed the latest updated im-sdk packages. the
  latest version is 11.4-46.svn1587. if you have installed
  it correctly, try rpm -qa | grep iiimf, and you will see:
  iiimf-client-lib-11.4-46.svn1587 (requires)
  iiimf-client-lib-devel--11.4-46.svn1587 (optional)
  iiimf-csconv-11.4-46.svn1587 (requires)
  iiimf-docs-11.4-46.svn1587 (optional)
  iiimf-emacs-11.4-46.svn1587 (optional)
  iiimf-gtk-11.4-46.svn1587 (requires for gtk2 apps)
  iiimf-le-canna-11.4-46.svn1587 (requires for Japanese)
  iiimf-le-hangul-11.4-46.svn1587 (requires for Korean)
  iiimf-le-newpy-11.4-46.svn1587 (requires for Simplified Chinese, but iiimf-le-inpinyin is recommended)
  iiimf-le-unit-11.4-46.svn1587 (requires for others)
  iiimf-protocol-lib-11.4-46.svn1587 (requires)
  iiimf-protocol-lib-devel-11.4-46.svn1587 (optional)
  iiimf-server-11.4-46.svn1587 (requires)
  iiimf-x-11.4-46.svn1587 (requires for X apps)
- sorry for the reminder, but run your terminal and check
  the environment variable again. if you configure it
  correctly, you can find out the below as the result of
  printenv command:
- as you indicated, the processes is running looks
  good. however please stop the processes (I meant htt,
  htt_server, httx and htt_xbe. please keep running
  cannaserver) first to track this issue down. and run it
  manually on the terminal instead of. like this:
  # service IIim stop
  # killall httx
  # ps -efw | grep htt | grep -v grep
  (you won't see any output here)
  # /usr/sbin/htt_server -d

  and on the another terminal:
  # /usr/bin/httx
  and then, run the KDE applications from the another
  terminal and press ctrl+space.

what do you see on each terminals?


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