[Fedora-i18n-list] Japanese also almost working... Now fonts are toasted too

Akira TAGOH tagoh at redhat.com
Mon Jul 5 02:25:55 UTC 2004


>>>>> On Fri, 2 Jul 2004 08:44:56 -0700,
>>>>> "DM" == D M <dmason at jersey.uoregon.edu> wrote:

DM> I believe I did have these problems with 11.4-46.svn1587, and since its not 
DM> clear 60 is helping anything I'll revert back and try again...

What the problem did you see on -46.svn1587?

DM> What font does the input window choose, or how is that controlled?  I have
DM> changed all my KDE fonts (via control center) to Kochi Gothic, but fixed
DM> width am only allowed western fonts (or at minimum aliased fonts) -- though
DM> I see the same effect from a brand new uncustomized account as well.  It works
DM> fine if I start out in Japanese mode, but if my default language is English
DM> the character window becomes fontless.  Mysteriously it works perfect from 
DM> mozilla, but then returning to a KDE app, there are no fonts.

When I just tested httx with LANG=en_US.UTF-8
LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.UTF-8 on kedit (and KDE), but it works
fine. which version of ttfonts-ja have you installed btw? if
it's a testing package for Sazanami fonts, please revert it
too to track your problem down efficiently.


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