[Fedora-i18n-list] bootdisk

Jens Petersen petersen at redhat.com
Wed Jun 2 15:44:29 UTC 2004

Please post general Fedora questions to fedora-list not
here: this list is for internationalization issues only.

>>>>> "m" == michal  <michal at gsm.eurotel.sk> writes:

    m> i want install fedora from local hard disk, but didnt
    m> find bootdisk.img, i found only
    m> http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/2/i386/os/images/diskboot.img
    m> and it is 6MB, if I make boot disk from it there is
    m> messages BOOT FAILED

You're writing to a floppy disk?  I think you need to use a
CD-R or CD-RW disk.

Hth, Jens

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