[Fedora-i18n-list] Unable to input Japanese on stock FC2 intall: Can't add "Input Method Switcher"

David Evans fedora at fugutabetai.com
Fri May 28 02:36:18 UTC 2004

Leon Ho wrote:

>>Hello Akira, thank you for your help.  I have made sure that httx is 
>>running (which starts htt_xbe - I don't know what that is) and started 
>>my Java program with LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 (or LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.UTF-8) and 
>>XMODIFIERS=@im=htt but Java will not recognize the input method.  
>>Running in a Japanese session, it does recognize it just fine though, so 
>>for now I will just log into a Japanese session.  I would like to know 
>>why it won't work in an English environment though.  If I am running 
>>httx, htt_xbe, cannaserver, htt, and have LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.UTF-8 and 
>>XMODIFIER=@im=htt Java should allow for Japanese input using htt, right?
>httx need to be run on particular locale you got to use it on to enable
>the bridging with XIM. In your case that will be running 
>'LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 httx'
Thanks!  That worked just great!  I've got Japanese input on GTK apps 
working great, and now Java as well.  (Of course, I do have to kill the 
httx that starts automatically and start one up with LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8, 
but that is fine by me.) 

Thanks for all the help!


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