[Fedora-i18n-list] Questions in iiimf

Lawrence Lim llim at redhat.com
Fri Jun 3 01:47:06 UTC 2005

Hi Tina,
Hope you dont mind I respond in English as this mailing list in English
based. It will benefit all with different language background. :-)

> 1.
> 使用 '倉頡' 與 '注音' 輸入法, 只要是單一個字, 就必須要再去選擇 '1', 
> 不像 xcin 模組下, 只需要按下 'space' 即完成.
> 或許是習慣問題, 但是常常使用 '數字 1', 左手小指很不舒服, 這問題以 '倉頡' 來說最為困擾.
Actually with CangJie mode, I was able to commit using 'space' rather
than pressing '1' when there is only one character in the candidate
window. Same goes for Zu Yin. However, if more there are more than one
characters in the candidate window, you will have to use the number key.
Be good if it is possible to use arrow keys though. ;-)

> 2.
> 不知在 iiimf 模組下, 能否再增加 '詞音輸入法' 嗎? <在 xcin 模組下已存在的一種輸入法>
Ah...I thought all input styles was migrated except Intelligent Input.
We can try to have a look in the next release to see if it is possible.

> 3.
> 在 '注音輸入法' 環境下, 如果需要輸入數字或英文字, 還必須再切換成 '英數環境' 才有辦法使用.
> 選擇右邊數字鍵盤 => 一樣會出現注音符號
This is when the Language Engine is switched on right??

> 英文字母 => 也不能按住 shift 就可以輸入英文
This works for me. But no Capital Letters when press shift after the
Language Engine has been switched on.

Thanks for your feedback. :-)


I am using iiimf-12.2-4 with iiimf-le-xcin-0.1.10-1

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