[Fedora-i18n-list] What IMs will be included in FC4?

Tina Chou chouy at ematters.com.tw
Mon Sep 26 09:16:51 UTC 2005


I've found this page on the internet. It says 'T-Chinese' has Canjie, ChuYin,
JianYi, NewChuYin, NeiMa, Boshiamy, Dayi and Array. And they are available in
IIIMF. Is that true? Do they work on FC4?

IIIMF - Internet Intranet Input Method Framework Project home 

According to the project schedule page, the release version should be done on
Aug 31 (2005 or 2006?). Do you know if it is released already? And when was it?

IIIMF Project Schedule

thank you.

Tina (chouy at ematters.com.tw)

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