[Fedora-i18n-list] Localization Process of REDHAT

मयंक जैन (Mayank Jain) mayank.gnu at gmail.com
Tue Aug 1 06:56:10 UTC 2006

Hi there,

Localizing Red Hat should be no different :)

You should first have all the tools set up... like how are you going
to input Urdu text, use which translation tool, etc.

For input, I would suggest, you use scim & m17n-db-arabic packages.

Also, it would be of great help to the community if we can make an
Urdu layout. I maintain the m17n-db package... but my knowledge of
Urdu is very less.

Would you like to help & contribute to the Red Hat & Fedora community?


On 8/1/06, Tahir Abdul Rauf Butt <linux_kernel_worm at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am working to localize REDHAT in URDU. I have successfully localized
> Debian systems, Now I want to ask whether REDHAT has also the same process
> as of PO files, or its localization process is different ?
> If you know localization process of REDHAT in any Language, please help me
> or give me clues.
> I shall be thankful to you in advance
> Tahir Rauf Butt
> Bsc(Hons). CS
> PU College of IT
> www.geocities.com\linux_kernel_worm
>  Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com
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