[Fedora-i18n-list] Configuring default font

mayank jain mayank.gnu at gmail.com
Tue Feb 27 15:33:49 UTC 2007

On 2/27/07, Ali Majdzadeh <ali.majdzadeh at gmail.com> wrote:
> I tested the instructions you had mentioned. I managed to solve the problem
> in GNOME (Using gnome-font-properties). By the way, I modified the
> /etc/sysconfig/i18n file as follows:
> LANG="fa_IR.UTF-8"
> SUPPORTED="fa_IR.UTF-8:fa_IR:fa"
> SYSFONT="Roya"

Thats nice :)

> Is there any system-wide configuration file that can be used to store font
> information so that all the environments (KDE, GNOME, Xfce, ...) behave
> consistent with regard to font issues? For example, what is the
> configuration file that gnome-font-properties uses? What is the equivalent
> of that file in KDE or Xfce?
> By using gnome-font-properties, I changed all the fonts to "Roya" font and
> GNOME properly modified and used that font instead of all the other fonts;
> but KDE didn't; it still uses another font for displaying Persian text
> ("Homa" font).

Try having a look at /etc/fonts/fonts.conf for all users &
~/.fonts.conf for the local user.

I hope it helps :)

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