[Fwd: Droid fallback CJK and fontconfig?]

Qianqian Fang fangqq at gmail.com
Sun Nov 23 19:24:48 UTC 2008

Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
> So, would the attached fontconfig file be ok according to your knowledge
> of Chinese users? (installed as 65-google-droid-sans-fallback.conf)
Since you already have zh_tw in the match sets, why not also include
zh_hk, zh_sg and zh_mo? In the current version of wqy-bitmap-fonts package,
we have something like

           <test compare="contains" name="lang">
maybe Bedhdad can comment on whether this form is recommended or not.

      <test equal="any" compare="eq" name="lang"> ... </test>

The default zh_* font wqy-bitmap-fonts has 61-wqy-bitmapsong.conf, which
claimed priorities for sans and serif aliases. If we want to set Droid 
as the
default in the future, the interactions of these two files should be 
> I'm quite happy to learn that even among Chinese people prefer vector
> fonts. I prefer them myself, and IMHO they are the future anyway :p.
Song-Ti style font (such as arphic-uming) vector rendering is still too 
to be accepted by most Chinese users. However, the Hei-Ti style 
(semi-bold sans)
Chinese fonts, such as wqy-zenhei-fonts, fonts from MS vista and Mac OS, 
emboldened strokes and are not bad at all for screen use. Most of these 
supporters were attracted by one of these Hei-ti fonts.
> However, to keep everyone happy, can you share with us what your
> declinaison of vector/bitmap fontconfig rules would be for Droid? It's
> quite easy for me to put two different files in the rpm, with only one
> linked in /etc/conf.d/ by default.
Both are working fine with me, I mean either 1) bitmap Chinese + vector 
non-CJK glyphs
or 2) vector sans-serif font for both Chinese and non-Chinese. Setting 
hintstyle to
hintslight with subpixel-hinting on works the best for vector one on my 
Since Droid does not come with embedded bitmaps, the only way to get
bitmap+Droid working is to use fontconfig to synthesize with the presence
of wqy-bitmap-fonts.

I support your idea of making two files in conf.avail and link one, 
which is
the current wqy-zenhei settings in Ubuntu (we have 44-wqy-zenhei.conf
and 66-wqy-zenhei-sharp.conf). But letting the ordinary users to switch
between the two settings is still kind of difficult, you have to tell 
them exactly
what to do and put these instructions in a highly visible place.

> Regards,

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