Pseudo-locales for i18n testing by English speakers

Sean Flanigan sflaniga at
Fri Oct 3 01:05:01 UTC 2008

Nicolas Mailhot wrote:

>> But how can I find the name of the font which provides a given
>> character?
> Answer in the fonts SIG wiki
> Looking at your interests and questions, you should really read it and
> join the SIG (same for other interested people)

Thanks Nicolas, but I can't make much sense of that wiki.  I gather that
it covers the problem of "where can I find a font with character X?",
which would be useful, but in this case I want to know "which of my
current fonts is providing the character X?"  Or when I choose the font
"Monospace 10", which font *really* provides the character X?  (Which
probably depends on whether I'm using an X application, a Java Swing app
or a Java SWT app...)

I guess I should be reading up on font substitution.

Sean Flanigan

Senior Software Engineer
Engineering - Internationalisation
Red Hat

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