Draft IBus Hotkey Behavior Plan v0.1

Ding-Yi Chen dchen at redhat.com
Fri Apr 3 07:32:15 UTC 2009

於 四,2009-04-02 於 01:01 -0400,Warren Togami 提到:
> Please comment on the below draft.
> Cycle Hotkey Behavior
> =====================
> We have agreed to match the Windows IME hotkey cycling behavior in order 
> to match user expectations.
> Alt-Shift
> This hotkey cycles to the next language.
> Ctrl-Shift
> This hotkey cycles to the next engine within the current language, if 
> there is more than one engine for that language.  In practice this only 
> does something in Chinese, while it does nothing in single engine 
> languages like Japanese or Korean.  There is no time to implement this 
> for Fedora 11, so we will compromise by having Alt-Shift cycle through 
> all engines for all languages until we later implement this secondary 
> cycling hotkey.

We need to consider not only the Windows user, but also existing Linux
user who used to other IM framework SCIM. As I suggested in

There should be an option that allow the Ctrl-Shift to cycle all, 
though it needs not to be default.

Ding-Yi Chen
Software Engineer
Internationalization Group
Red Hat, Inc.

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