ibus-hangul bugs

Warren Togami wtogami at redhat.com
Tue Apr 7 04:16:01 UTC 2009

Hello Krisna,

We have decided to make the Fedora ibus defaults behave exactly like 
Windows IME in order to match the majority end-user expectations.  This 
means we will not ship with legacy default hotkeys in cases where they 
conflict like Shift-Space.  Users may configure it that way in options 
if they desire non-default hotkeys and behaviors.  I have bought a 
Korean USB keyboard so I can test Korean input with both US and KO layouts.

I hope for your comment on the following.

1) BTW, where did F9 as Hanja conversion button come from?  This seems 
like another legacy that conflicts with unrelated software.  Windows and 
Mac do not have F9 as Hanja by default.  Perhaps this is because all 
modern Korean keyboards have a Hanja button, making the legacy F9 obsolete?

Here is the current proposal for ~6-month ideal IM behavior, and the 
compromise behavior for Fedora 11.  Fedora 11 development freeze is one 
week from now.  I really need people to respond to this proposal.

ibus-hangul missing right-Alt or Hangul Han/En mode
How difficult might it be to implement this for ibus-hangul, so it 
behaves equivalently to Windows Hangul?  Currently it is especially 
unfriendly to use ibus-hangul with a US keyboard layout because we lack 
Han/En mode switching.

We especially need ibus-hangul to handle Han/En mode switching because 
we cannot define right-Alt as a default global trigger, as it would be 
too disruptive to non-Korean users.

Do you agree?  I really hope for your help to add this to ibus-hangul, 
because without this ibus-hangul is not usable with US keyboard.

ibus-hangul should default to vertical candidate selection
phuang says the next build will do vertical candidate selection 
automatically for both ko and ja.

[PATCH] ibus-hangul Hanja arrow keys are wrong
I think this patch is reasonably correct, especially with ko vertical 
candidate selection.

[PATCH] ibus-hangul missing right Ctrl for Hanja button

I know you mentioned that some Korean users don't want this.  My testing 
however has found this to be default in Windows/Mac even with Korean 
layout keyboard.  I think this should be default because US keyboard 
users expect it.  You should add an option to ibus-hangul to turn it off 
if you think it is important that some users really don't want it.  Do 
you agree?

ibus-hangul can cause gtk app to lockup
Very nasty bug hangul specific.  phuang said he fixed this upstream but 
I am waiting for new builds to test it.

Warren Togami
wtogami at redhat.com

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